Renting enables you to try various types of RVs and learn from actual experience which one best suits your particular needs. Or, perhaps you already know and enjoy the RV lifestyle but aren't ready to own.
Whether you're camping the summer months in the north in your RV or you're gearing up to drive the RV down to the southern states during the snow bird season, one thing is for sure - it's going to be warm. Warm enough that you'll want that AC running in top shape for your next RV vacation.
We all live difference lifestyles whether we're traveling and staying at an RV campground or plugging away at our 9 to 5 jobs. Some of us thrive on 5 hours or less while others need to get 9 hours to feel rested. Most of us require 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
Whether you head out tent camping or in an RV, you're ultimately setting out to some uncharted territory looking for fun, adventure and excitement. We want to experience new things, and we want to enjoy that connection to nature.