While we don't recommend crash diets, there are proven daily detox tips that help your body function at maximum efficiency. Check out our recommendations below and always check with your doctor before starting a new regiment.
The best daily detox tip is to drink plenty of water. Health experts generally recommend the 8x8 rule, which is eight ounces of water, eight times a day. By drinking lots of water, you'll keep your body hydrated as it flushes out unwanted toxins.
If you have trouble drinking enough plain water, try infusing it to add flavor. Soaking lemon slices, berries, cucumber slices, and/or mint leaves in a jug or bottle of water to add flavor without any excess sugar.
Start your water intake for the day with an 8-ounce mug of hot water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. This warm, refreshing drink will prepare your digestive tract for breakfast while simultaneously hydrating you.
As part of a daily detox routine, you should limit the amount of caffeine you consume. Nutritionists generally recommend a maximum of 400mg of caffeine per day. For reference, an 8-ounce cup of coffee has about 100mg.
When you do consume caffeine, opt for unsweetened coffee and tea. Sugary syrups and mix-ins add lots of unnecessary calories. If you can't tolerate black coffee, opt for a latte with 2%, oat, or almond milk to add creaminess without boosting your blood sugar too much. And remember that coffee and tea are much better choices than soda, whether sugared or diet.
Sorry to rain on any partyer's parades, but alcohol is not a nice substance for your body. Inside your body, alcohol becomes a toxin known as acetaldehyde. Your liver must then go into overdrive to convert it to the harmless acetate before it can expel the alcohol from the body.
If you don't want to go cold turkey, limit your alcohol to one drink per day. Additionally, try to avoid alcohol entirely at least one day per week. It's important to not let alcohol consumption become a habit.
Make sure vegetables are a daily part of your diet. Veggies are filled with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and some vegetables also include protein and healthy fats. Try making vegetables half of your plate for each meal, following the MyPlate standards.
Fruits are also important but can contain lots of sugar. Consume fruit daily, but don't substitute fruit in place of vegetables.
If you want your body to function well, limit added sugar and artificial sweeteners in your diet. The American Heart Association recommends a maximum of 36 grams of added sugar per day for men, and 25 grams for women. Also, artificial sweeteners aren't much better, as they can still affect your metabolism and insulin response.
It's amazing how much stress your body can hold. To detox daily, breathe deeply throughout the day. At least once an hour, take a minute to consciously take deep breaths and relax muscles throughout the body. This will help you release tension from stress, which can contribute to a poor diet, poor sleep, and poor mental health.
Finally, we'll end our advice with the recommendation to establish a healthy sleep schedule. Aim for 7-8 hours per night, and no less than six. To encourage better sleep, set regular resting and waking times. Additionally, stay away from electronics for 1-2 hours before bed and try reading a chapter of a book each night to wind down.
We hope you've found these daily detox tips helpful for your own life. Remember that crash diets rarely work but making simple changes like these will help you establish a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Help someone else with that goal by sharing this post!
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